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Standard Bank ATM Custodian Recruitment – North Zone

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Standard Bank recruitment and selection processes comply with applicable local laws and regulations. The bank will never ask for money or any form of payment as part of its recruitment process.

Standard Bank ATM Custodian Recruitment – North Zone


Job Purpose

  • Ensure the availability of a fully functional Automated Teller Machine (ATM) service to customers including the custody and balancing of ATM cash, processing of ATM deposits and handling of ATM computer reports.
  • Ensure that laid-down instructions for handling and movement of treasury cash to and
    from tellers SBV are adhered to
  • Ensure that current stock of blank forms received is recorded and signed for according to
    laid-down procedures
  • Ensure that record keeping is carried out according to laid-down instructions for treasury
    cash, blank forms and safe custody items
  • Ensure that swept deposits are correctly handled appropriately
  • Ensure that all irregular items have been actioned before the end of the day
  • Understand and manage the risks associated with the custody of ATM’s as well as the changes in the custody of assets through an effective system of controls

Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities

Monitoring of cash holdings

  • Ensure that cash does not exceed prescribed limits.
  • Ensure that sufficient cash levels are maintained to meet normal customer requirements
ATM Up-time
  • Ensure all ATM channels uptime do not fall below the prescribed ATM % uptime
  • Ensure that Auto Bank and Auto Cash terminals are always adequately stoked with cash and stationery
  • Maintain close liaison with Auto Bank Control Centre to ensure that equipment problems are dealt with promptly
  • Ensure that potential faults that could cause equipment to malfunction are identified and resolved on time
  • Ensure that all ATM terminals are kept clean and maintained in good condition
ATM Cash
  • Control ATM cash according to laid-down instructions
  • Balance cash at the required intervals
  • Report and action differences in ATM cash promptly
  • Ensure that ATM cash is safeguarded against unnecessary and preventable loss.

Minimum Qualification and Experience

  • Minimum 2.2 from University
  • 1-3 years experience

How to Apply

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