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8 Job Hunting Tips and Tricks To Get the Job You Desire

For you to be successful in your job hunting there are certain tips and tricks to ensure that you stand out to your potential employers. You can use the tips contained in this article to help you achieve this desired success and get the job you want irrespective of how competitive the job market is.

Job hunting tips and tricks

Job hunting entails a lot of things, it is not enough to just search for available positions and send your resume/cv to employers. It is important that you ensure you are qualified for the job, you can impress the recruitment team or hiring manager and you are fully-prepared to answer any interview questions. See 8 tips that you can use to greatly increase your chances of getting your dream job.

  1. Know your career goals.

  2. Plan ahead.

  3. Customize your resume.

  4. Research companies.

  5. Apply with confidence.

  6. Prepare for interviews.

  7. Follow up.

  8. Expand your skills.


1. Know your career goals.

You must know the type of career you want for yourself. This is very important, especially if you do not have any working experience or you are trying to change career. You can easily get guidance from people that know you personally or people with a lot of experience. You must also make sure that your personal goals are achievable, take out time to plan the steps you must follow to achieve it and also take note of qualities you possess that qualifies you for that career path. This will help you know the exact jobs to search for and apply for the positions that align with your career goals.

2. Plan ahead.

The role of effective planning in achieving desired results in any given area can never be over-emphasized. You must properly organize yourself and your schedule to enable you search for jobs more efficiently. Ensure that your cover letter and resume are always up to date. You can contact professionals to help you with this or search for templates/samples (cover letter and resume) online. Always have a list of references and their contact information at your disposal as employers may demand this from you.

Create an email account specifically for your job search messages, this is to ensure that such messages does not mix up with your personal ones. If you are on networking websites such as LinkedIn, Twitter etc your profile must always be updated and take note of the jobs you have already applied for. The above steps will help you in your job hunt and the same time make the whole process faster and easier. Plan Ahead.

3. Customize your resume.

Your resume must always be customized to any job you are applying for. Take your time to study the job description of any job you want to apply for and see if you are qualified for it. Then, you are to proceed to add your skills, experience and achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for. The recruitment team or hiring managers should be able to read your resume and see that you possess the required skills for the position.

To be able to achieve this, it is important you have a soft customizable copy (templates) of your cover letter and resume/cv.

4. Research companies.

When searching for available jobs that interest you, it is important that you research the companies that are hiring before applying. This will help you with the needed information about the company, its goals and visions, benefits and salary range and the work environment in general.

The outcome of your research will help you determine if you you want to or are qualified to work for that company. It also provides you with useful information you can reference in your cover letter or at the interview.

5. Apply with confidence.

You can apply for any job you are interested in even if you do not meet all the requirements. Some employers may decide to employ highly motivated individuals who are willing and able to learn quickly and also provide skills training programs for them on the job. As long as you meet some of the job’s qualifications and you are confident that you can succeed in that role, feel free to apply. Ensure that you add your willingness and ability to learn new skills in your resume/cv. Also emphasize how well your personal goals align with the companies own.

6. Prepare for interviews.

Asides researching about the company, you must also carry out research on common questions asked at interviews, search for the answers and practice how to answer or respond to them before you are invited to the interview.

Practice various interview models with your friend or professional contact. It is a well known fact that the better prepared you are, the more confident and comfortable you will be when you go for any interview.

7. Follow up.

After any job interview, you can send the recruitment team/hiring manager a thank-you note. Also, if you have not heard back from them after a while usually a week or more, follow up with an email or phone call. You must, show your excitement and interest in the job you where interviewed for. As you wait for a response, continue searching for and applying to jobs that suits you.

8. Expand your skills.

If you are entering the workforce (fresh graduate) for the first time or starting a new career, you will need more experience or to get a job. Consider an internship or volunteer with a company in your desired industry while still applying for jobs. You can also use the provided opportunities to advance to a full-time position or simply expand your network of contacts. You can also take online courses, seminars or attend workshops to learn technologies and processes relevant to your industry or to build certain skills. As you get more skills and experiences  update your resume.

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