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Cyber Security Training Assessment Test Questions and Answers – Halogen Test Questions

This article contains all you need to know about the Cyber Security Training Assessment Test and how to successfully prepare and apply for it using the past questions and answers contained in PDF below this page.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.

What is Cyber Security Test?

Cyber Security exam tests expertise in access controls, risk identification and analysis, security administration, incident response, cryptography, and network, communications, systems, and application security.

Cyber Security Training Assessment Test Questions and Answers


1 . What is Cyber Security?

a) Cyber Security provides security against malware

b) Cyber Security provides security against cyber-terrorists

c) Cyber Security protects a system from cyber attacks

d) All of the above

2. What does cyber security protect?

a) Cyber security protects criminals

b) Cyber security protects internet-connected systems

c) Cyber security protects hackers

d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is defined as an attempt to steal, spy, damage or destroy computer systems, networks, and other associated data information?

a) Cyber attack
b) Computer security
c) Cryptography
d) Digital hacking

4. Which of the following is a type of cyber security?

a) Cloud Security
b) Network Security
c) Application Security
d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is a type of cyber attack?

a) Phishing
b) SQL Injections
c) Password Attack
d) All of the above

6. Government sometimes hires some highly skilled hackers. These types of hackers are called _______

a) Special Hackers
b) Government Hackers
c) Cyber Intelligence Agents
d) Nation / State sponsored Hackers


7. Which of the following term refers to a group of hackers who are both white and black hat?

a) Yellow Hat hackers
b) Grey Hat hackers
c) Red Hat Hackers
d) White-Black Hat Hackers


8 ___________ is a special form of attack in which Hackers exploit human psychology

a) Cross Site Scripting
b) Insecure Network
c) Social Engineering
d) Reverse Engineering

9. Which of the following do NOT come under Social Engineering?

a) Malware
b) Phishing
c) Pretexting
d) Spamming

10. _________ is an act of hacking by means of which a political and/or social message is conveyed.

a) Hacktivism
b) Whistle-blowing
c) Surveillance
d) Pseudonymization

11. In IP address, IP is an abbreviated for __________

a) Internet Program
b) Internet Protocol
c) Intuition Programs
d) Internet Pathway

12. Hackers who help in finding bugs and vulnerabilities in a system do not intend to crack a system are termed as ________

a) Black Hat Hackers
b) White Hat Hackers
c) Grey Hat Hackers
d) Red Hat Hackers

13. An amateur or newbie in the field of hacking who does not have many skills about coding and in-depth working of security and hacking tools are called ________

a) Sponsored Hackers
b) Hactivists
c) Script Kiddies
d) Whistle Blowers

14. The TCP/IP model consists of how many layers?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

15. One of the following is an attack method used to inject code into the database of a system / website.

a) HTML injection
b) SQL Injection
c) Malicious code injection
d) XML Injection

16. Which of the following is NOT part of the CIA Triad

a) Confidentiality
b) Authority
c) Availability
d) Integrity

17. _____________ is the technique used for tricking users to disclose their username and passwords through fake pages.

a) Social Engineering
b) Phishing
c) Cookie Stealing
d) Banner Grabbing

18. Which of the following is NOT carried out by cyber criminals?

a) Unauthorized account access

b) Mass attack using Trojans as botnets

c) Email spoofing and spamming

d) Report vulnerability in any system

19. Who deploys Malwares to a system or network?

a) Criminal organizations, Black hat hackers, malware developers, cyber-terrorists

b) Criminal organizations, White hat hackers, malware developers, cyber-terrorists

c) Criminal organizations, Black hat hackers, software developers, cyber-terrorists

d) Criminal organizations, Gray hat hackers, Malware developers, Penetration testers

20. XSS is an abbreviation for  __________

a) Extreme Secure Scripting
b) Cross Site Security
c) Cross Site Scripting
d) Cross Site Writing


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